
Friday, December 13, 2013

SCIENCE 5ºB: Interaction Function Study Resources

Here are some links that may help you to study the interaction function in human beings. As you already know, the interaction function has three main components (parts):

Sense Organs:

First, your body has to take in stimula through these organs. To learn more about the senses, have a look at the Kids Health links below:

If you want, you can click on this link and then go to the individual webpages on your own.

OR, click on the individual links:

The Nervous System

The brain is the organ responsible for processing the stimuli it has received from the sense organs, and transmitting (sending) messages to the rest of the body. The brain is part of the nervous system.

Link to video


Once the brain has taken in the information, processed it, and sent out a message, the effectors carry out the desired response. This is the last part of the interaction function.

Responses can be in the form of a substance; such as bile, saliva or gastric juices, or in the form of movements, such as waving your arms.

The locomotor system, made of muscles and bones, is responsible for carrying out movements. 

Link to video

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